Monday, May 08, 2006

How to Lower extremely High Blood sugar level

How to Lower extremely High Blood sugar level

At times, your Blood sugar levels may reach extremely high levels. Those times you ate that extra piece of cake, bought that ice cream when you probably shouldn't have and had not done proper measures to control the sugar levels. You always ensure your control measures are adequate to keep those sugars in line.

What do you do when it has reached that level of being Extremely High?

With Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes, you generally have two options to lower that high blood sugar.

1) Insulin - giving a few units of a fast acting insulin will begin to work in a half hour and knock those sugar levels down. Type 2 Diabetics generally do not require insulin, but at times of high sugar levels it may be necessary. Again, speak with your doctor to learn how much to give, and if you should be using insulin for blood sugar control.

2) Exercise - as is well known, exercise lowers blood sugar. This potentially may take longer to work than giving a shot of insulin, and in some situations is not possible. For example, celebrating your parents anniversary and you eat some extra cake there. You may be in a hall with family, and not in the right atmosphere to all of a sudden start running or doing exercise. Exercise is a great option when you have come home from work, your sugars are running high and you have the option to do some exercise to help bring those sugars down.

Both options can be done together, such as giving insulin and exercising. This will even quicker knock your sugars down, just be careful. If you give too much insulin and do exercise, you could be at risk of developing Low Blood Sugar Levels. So be careful!

Michael Kralj
Diabetics, my personal hygiene bidet blog may interest you.


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